Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Binge Eating No More - 6 Easy Tips to Lose Weight and End Late Night Binge Eating

Do you find yourself drawn back into the kitchen after dinner even though you are not hungry?

Binge Eating

Do you open your fridge and peek around in there looking for something to snack on even when you are full?

Do the foods in your kitchen cupboards call your name and compel you to go eat them late at night?

You may have the unhealthy habit of late night eating.You are not alone! Most of America has this habit and eating extra calories late at night is one of the major causes of weight gain and obesity.

Usually when you find yourself drawn to eat when you are not hungry it is a sign of boredom, not true hunger.

After fighting and winning what felt like a life long battle with binge eating, I developed a few ways to help me get my mind off mindless snacking and late night binge eating.

Here are few tips that may help you too.

-Keep your hands busy with something you like to do. It could be knitting or a craft project, or gardening (it is kind of hard to eat when your hand are buried in soil!).

-Do a quick cleanup of a small area of your home. I like to de-clutter small areas of my home on a regular basis. If I take on too big of a project at night it can be overwhelming - but a small area that takes fifteen to thirty minutes to re-organize gives me a sense of accomplishment and takes my mind off of food.

-Give yourself a manicure or a pedicure
-Go for a nice evening walk. Enjoy the quiet of the evening and wind down from your busy day.
-Read a book that you enjoy
-Take a bath. Add some wonderful bath oil or bubbles to your bath water and enjoy the luxury of relaxation. Give your mind and body a refreshing rest.

Now, remember that changing a late night eating habit will take some time.

Make yourself a list with options that YOU enjoy of actions you can take to replace late night binging.

Be patient with yourself and remember that it will take repetition to change bad habits to good ones. Keep choosing activities that build up your confidence and sense of self and I promise that you will not only lose extra weight but you will feel really good about yourself too!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jana_S./261293

Friday, July 15, 2016

Losing Weight By Eating Cucumbers

Is it really possible to lose weight by simply eating cucumbers? These common green vegetables are in fact a useful supplement to your weight reduction régime.


The cucumber is one of the most common salad vegetables. You can usually get them all year round. However they are best in May through July. The best ones to eat are organically grown ones because then you can eat the nutritious skin as well as the cucumber itself. If you can only find commercially grown ones be careful to peel off the waxed skin, as this contains pesticides, chemicals and wax.

How cucumbers will help you lose weight:

• Low calories: They are low in calories and have high water content. This means that they will fill you up without adding calories. They are in fact a great way to help you lose weight.

• Diuretic: they will help you to lose water due to water retention. This is a common problem with obesity.

• Increase fluids: It is essential to drink as much water as possible when you try to lose weight. This will help you to feel fuller and encourage you to eat less. Water will help you to flush toxins from your body. Plus your body needs at least 8 glasses of water to function well. Cucumbers have a large ratio of water which will increase your fluid intake.

• Fiber: cucumbers like most vegetables will provide you with fiber. When losing weight you should try to have a high fiber diet. Fiber will fill you up and encourage you to eat less. It will also aid in making your digestion better. When you digest your food better you will be able to lose weight.

Nutritional facts: an 8 ¼ inch cucumber has 2 grams of protein, 11 grams of carbohydrate, 1 ½ grams fiber, 5 grams of sugar, vitamins K,C, B6 and A. It also has foliate and potassium. A cucumber of this size will only contain 45 calories and because of the water and fiber in it will help to fill you up.

Choosing cucumbers: there are a number of different types of cucumbers and they will taste subtly different. The best way to get varieties that you like is to grow them either in containers or out in your yard. They will have a distinctive taste quite different from the somewhat insipid store cumbers.

• Lemon cucumbers: these are round yellowish green cucumbers with a nice mild flavor.

• Japanese cucumbers: these are a long thin variety that has a mild flavor and is good for eating in salads or as a salad on its own. They are usually found wrapped in cellophane wrap at the stores.

• American cucumbers: there are many varieties of these. They range from small pickling size to larger ones that are ideal for salads. Hybrids have made the cucumber a mild flavored vegetable which has lost much of the bitterness of the old varieties.

Tips for eating:

• Always choose fresh cucumbers that are not wrinkled or sunken. The older they get the more bitter you will find them.

• Cut the end off your cucumbers and rub a little salt into them by rubbing the ends together. Doing this will takeaway some of the bitterness.

• You can slice cucumbers and put them with a little vinegar, salt and pepper.

• You can also pickle them. There are a variety of recipes you can use.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Catherine_Qazalbash/117738

Saturday, June 18, 2016

5 Dumbbell Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Most people try to burn stomach fat by doing crunches or sit-ups. This is not the way to go. You can burn stomach fat by doing exercises that target other muscle groups as well. In fact, it can be more effective.

Lose Belly Fat

This is why I want to share with you the following 5 dumbbell exercise to lose belly fat. They can prove to be an excellent addition to your workouts and help you get awesome results quickly.

Chest presses

Lie on a workout bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Hold the dumbbells with bent elbows by your chest. With both hands, press the dummbells upward until your arms are completely straight. Exhale during the press. Bring the dumbbells slowly back to the starting position. This is primarily a chest exercise but it will burn fat from your entire body.


Doing squats is hard with or without dumbbells. The extre weight just makes this exercise that much harder to perform. Make sure to use weight which doesn't force you to break the right form and don't go into squats that are too deep for your own good.

Bicep Curls on a bosu ball

While a bicep curl targets the biceps, an easy way to add a little abdominal strain to it is to stand on a bosu ball while performing the exercise. Standing on a bosu ball requires you to use the stabilizing muscles in your abs so you're getting a double benefit from this exercise. You do the curl in the ordinary way: just curl the dumbbells up with your biceps. Make sure to not tilt your body or use your back to pull the dumbbell.

Crunch with dumbbell

One way to make a stomach exercise harder with dumbbells is to do a crunch with it. There are two ways you can use a dumbbell to make this exercise harder: hold it behind your head or place it on your chest.

I recommend placing the dumbbell on your chest as holding it against your head may cause you to bend it forward, straining your neck. Other than that, you do the crunch regularly.

Stability ball exercises

Similarly to a bosu ball, a stability ball also helps to bring your stabilizing muscles into the action. You lie on the ball and can do a wide range of exercises to target your chest, back, triceps and shoulders. These can include lying tricep extensions, chest flies, and so on.

As you can see, you have many choices. Make the most of them in your workouts.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Davenport/92959